Sambal is a popular chili sauce among Southeast Asia countries especially Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. It is typically made from ground chili pepper; secondary ingredients can be different depending on personal preference and taste.


  • Dried chilies may cause irritation, use rubber gloves when handling.
  • This recipe use 2 onion, one for chili paste and another one for stir-frying.


  • 500g fresh squid
  • 70g fresh red chili
  • 30g dried chili
  • 2 onion (about 200g)
  • 30g shallot
  • 15g garlic
  • 15g dried shrimp
  • 2 Tbsp sugar (30g)
  • 1 ½ tsp salt (10g)
  • 130g-150g cooking oil


1 Cut squid from the middle, remove internal organs.

2 Peel off the skin.

3 Wash and clean under running water, score the inner surface diagonally in a crisscross pattern, do not cut through the squid. Cut into small pieces.

Cut into small pieces.

4 Bring a pot of water to boil, add in ½ tsp salt, blanch squid for 1 ½ minutes.

5 Drain and add in ¼ tsp salt and ¼ tsp sugar, set aside to marinate.

6 Add in 70g fresh chili (de-seed), 30g dried chili (de-seed), 1 onion, 30g shallot, 15g garlic, 15g dried shrimp, 130g-150g cooking oil into food processor. Process until fine, oil helps with the blending process; add just enough to blend all the ingredients. Stir with spatula in between blending when necessary.

7 Add 1 tsp of oil, pour chili paste into cooking pan, bring to the boil. Reduce to medium heat, cook for 8-10 minutes until fragrant.

8 Add in sliced onion, cook until slightly tender, add in squid, and cook for 2 minutes, season with 2 Tbsp. sugar and 1 ½ tsp salt. You may discard excess chili oil, if you put too much during the blending process, you may end up with more oil that you don’t really need.

Photo & Recipe credited to: My Kitchen 101

Ingredients used in this recipe

# Item Name Unit Quantity Price
1 Vesawit Cooking Oil 500g 1 RM 4.20
2 Red Big Onion 800g 1 RM 4.15
3 White Garlic 500g 1 RM 5.95
4 Bawang Kecil Thai/Thai Shallot 300g 1 RM 3.95
5 Squids/ Sotong Putih Kg 1 RM 59.99
6 Double Swallow Fine Salt 375g 1 RM 1.10
9 Aromatic Dried Chilli 273 100g 1 RM 3.95

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