Yakult Ace

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Yakult Ace

Amount 80g (Per Serving)
Energy 63kcal
Protein 1.0g
Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0g
Total Sugar 14.6g
Calcium 58.8mg
Vitamin B6 1.2mg
Vitamin B12 2.5µg
Vitamin D 1.0µg
Active Shirota Strain Over 30 Billion

The most important ingredient of Yakult is the live Lactobacillus casei Shirota. Each bottle of Yakult contains over 30 billion (3.0 X 10¹º) of the active Shirota strain. Contain :Water, Sugar(sukrose), Skimmed Milk Powder, Glucose, Calcium Lactate, Permitted Flavours, Niacin (Vitamin B3) Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D. Yakult does not contain any preservatives, colourings, stabilizers, or conditioners. The brownish colour of Yakult develops naturally during the production process when caramelization occurs as a result of heating of milk and sugar. It's the same thing that happens when you bake a cake or cookies. Yakult is practically fat free and contains no cholesterol. One bottle of Yakult Ace contains just 63 kcal, about the same as an apple, while one bottle of Yakult Ace Light contains just 46 kcal. The reason we include sugar is that it provides essential 'food' for the good bacteria, keeping them alive during shelf life. During fermentation, good bacteria produce organic acids, such as lactic acid, which taste sour. Because of the high concentration of good bacteria in Yakult, the taste becomes very sour. So, sugar is also needed to balance the taste, if not, it will be too sour for us to drink. Yakult has a low Glycemic Index (GI). This means that the sugar in Yakult enters the blood gradually and does not significantly increase blood glucose levels.

RM 5.30 /80ml x 5s

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